Residential Dwellings:
Prices start at $350.00 and increase proportionately with increased square footage.
Please go to our convenient online scheduling system for accurate price information.
Duplex - Minimum Charge - $450.00
Condo or townhouse less than 1100 sq.ft. - $325.00
Condo or townhouse 1100-2000 sq.ft. - $385.00
Single wide Manufactured home in park - $350.00
Double wide Manufactured home in park - $395.00
Note, Manufactured homes on acreage are priced the same as conventional homes.
Commercial Property Inspections:
Multi-unit apartments, townhouses , restaurants, office suites, etc. - Call for Quote
Additional Fees:
Raised foundation / crawlspace - $60.00
Pre-1960 Home - $60.00
Escrow Billing Fee - $85.00
Log Home - $75.00
Granny Units and Additional Structure fees vary, according to size of the structure.
Contract Transfer w/Re-Inspection 50% of Original Inspection Fee. Must be done within 90 days
of the original inspection.
Consultation: Call for information
Travel fees apply to some locations.
Prices subject to change without notice.
Generous discounts given to Active duty Military personnel
Prices start at $350.00 and increase proportionately with increased square footage.
Please go to our convenient online scheduling system for accurate price information.
Duplex - Minimum Charge - $450.00
Condo or townhouse less than 1100 sq.ft. - $325.00
Condo or townhouse 1100-2000 sq.ft. - $385.00
Single wide Manufactured home in park - $350.00
Double wide Manufactured home in park - $395.00
Note, Manufactured homes on acreage are priced the same as conventional homes.
Commercial Property Inspections:
Multi-unit apartments, townhouses , restaurants, office suites, etc. - Call for Quote
Additional Fees:
Raised foundation / crawlspace - $60.00
Pre-1960 Home - $60.00
Escrow Billing Fee - $85.00
Log Home - $75.00
Granny Units and Additional Structure fees vary, according to size of the structure.
Contract Transfer w/Re-Inspection 50% of Original Inspection Fee. Must be done within 90 days
of the original inspection.
Consultation: Call for information
Travel fees apply to some locations.
Prices subject to change without notice.
Generous discounts given to Active duty Military personnel
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